knowledge base
Aussie Educator

Aussie Educator

Published: September 11 2022

Written by: Anne Jackson

This website is a gold mine of up-to-date information for anyone seeking a policy, a support group, a school etc for gifted education. It is also very regularly updated.

For example the following page looks at gifted programs, system support, associations, support groups, schools and universities which are proactive in gifted education for all Australian states & territories. This page links to multiple resources available within Australia.

New or updated information is highlighted with a yellow sticky note
References a few overseas organisations

Gifted & Talented Education - Aussie Educator

The page below is useful for psychologists, teachers and parents who are wanting to understand the education theory jargon that may be used in relation to educating the gifted and twice-exceptional child.

This page brilliantly covers major theorists and their ideas of human development and learning. Information includes biographies, information, further sources and an increasing number of videos.

Within the website are many links to learning and teaching styles available for educators, researchers and parents.

Australian Education Portal - Aussie Educator




e. anne.jackson@2ehub.com.au


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