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Senior secondary education signposting

Senior Secondary information for students in Victoria

Published: September 15 2022

Written by: Anne Jackson

Senior Secondary Pathways

There are multiple pathways through the final years of school and into further education. VCAA has provided downloadable information of the new alternative pathways in senior school in Victoria. Very relevant information to students who are wondering what to do in years 11 + 12

Where to now?

VET studies

VCAA provides a list of VET subjects that can be taken and are scored. These will add to the eventual ATAR score received.

Please ensure that you check with your school to ensure you are registered for a course that is relevant, attainable and provides exactly the outcomes you think it does.

This is a useful means of beginning courses in year 10 that will enhance your outcome in year 12.

VET Studies

Senior Secondary Support

This website contains a series of webinars that Dr Michael Carr-Gregg recorded in 2020. These are useful for those approaching year 12 in the future though some areas of the website are specific to his sponsors there is enough of interest here.

Senior Secondary Support and Advice

You may also want to look at his study tips

Study Tips

Support toolkit for parents and caregivers 

This site is sponsored by Deakin University and well worth investigating, there is even a ATAR calculator provided. Aimed at parents but could be useful to students too.


Year 12 exams - managing stress

This website has a useful set of stress management strategies designed for students. It provides a focus upon diet, sleep and exercise which some students may find condescending, even though they are useful.

Managing yr 12 stress

Special Provisions

VCAA Special Provision aims to provide students in defined circumstances with the opportunity to participate in and complete their secondary level studies.

Special provisions

ATAR Calculator

Some students find it motivating to use the ATAR calculator as they move through year 11 and 12. There are multiple ATAR calculators available. Adding results from assessments, tests, assignments during the unit 3+4 studies may predict the ATAR achievable.

ATAR Calculator

Monash Scholars Program

Monash Scholars is a prestigious program for high achieving secondary school students based in Victoria. The program is offered by Monash University to give high potential students a unique head start into university life. It provides opportunities for personal and academic development, as well as, giving students the knowledge, skills and confidence to make the right study choices. It also enables them to expand their network of like-minded peers.

Monash Scholars

Melbourne University Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program

The Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program is an academic enrichment program designed to support high achieving Victorian Year 11 and Year 12, and select secondary students living close to the New South Wales and South Australian borders.

Scholars get the opportunity to experience university life and take part in a range of academic and personal development events and activities to help you achieve your best.

When you finish your secondary studies, you could also be offered a guaranteed place in an undergraduate degree, financial assistance to move to Melbourne, and an overseas scholarship during your studies.

Kwong Lee Dow Scholar




e. anne.jackson@2ehub.com.au


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